About Us

Ramz Media´s focus lies primarily on documentary film making and short film on a range of subjects but primarily on a varietyof human rights issues.

Astrid Schau-Larsen

Astrid was born in Bergen, Norway in 1981 is the co-founder of Ramz Media. During her film studies at the European Film College, she helped create a platform for making socially committed film. After two years of documentary filmmaking Astrid went back to university and did her MA in Religious Studies at Concordia University, Montreal. The documentary ”In God We Trust” was part of her thesis, for which she was rewarded the MA of Excellence Award. Astrid is also working as en editor and cinematographer in Toronto, Canada as well as in Bergen, Norway.

Samaré Gozal

Swedish film maker who has in the capacity of director, writer and/or producer created multiple feature and short films with Ramz. She  holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Lund in Sweden afterwhich she started her film studies at the European Film College in Denmark. Her most recent short films are; Five Scenes by the Sea (2023), Herr Erlich´s Books in Schöneberg which received the Best short documentary award in Izmir in 2024 and REVISION; upcoming premiere at Tempo Documentary Film Festival,Stockholm in March 2025. She is currently in the research-phase of a new project.

For more information about the themes of her current works please consult the Behind the Scenes section which highlights both Ramz work but also independent work.




Tema av Anders Norén