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2013-2020/19 min /Director: Samaré Gozal/ Editor: Astrid Schau Larsen /French-English Translation: Myriam Jouglard/ Producer: Ramz Media/Language: French, English


Who decides what a woman can and cannot do with her body? Many of us would argue that a woman has an undeniable right to choice over her own body. However, there are those who argue that if all life is to be respected then the right of a fetus should be respected as well. Where doe the ideas that the religious anti-abortion movement(s) has(ve) come from? This short documentary follows individuals and groups on different sides of the spectrum.


(The Good neighbour)

2013  / 59 min / Canada, Norway/ Director: Astrid Schau-Larsen /Producer: Astrid Schau-Larsen,  Julie Strand Offerdal and Samaré Gozal


The Good Neighbour takes a look at the Norwegian oil company Statoil’s operations in the Canadian oil sands.Statoil, a major oil company with the Norwegian government as its majority owner, has in recent years expanded its operations well beyond its borders and is now a major player in the oil sands operations in western Canada. Statoil has always promoted itself as a responsible and eco-friendly company, but how do they fulfill this vision in the oil rich sand among the natives in Alberta? Norwegian Julie Strand Offerdal decides to get to the bottom of the issue by embarking on an epic journey across Canada.


2011 /52 min/ Uganda, Canada, Norway/Director and Editor: Astrid Schau-Larsen/ Producers and Photographers: Astrid Schau-LarseN, Samaré Gozal/Advisor: Oscar Ranzo/Format:16:09


In 2003 President Bush launched the largest initiative ever made towards the fight against HIV/AIDS. The President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief secured 15 billion dollars towards prevention, treatment and care in 13 focus countries. However, the funding came with restrictions. Out of the prevention package, 1/3 of the money had to be spent on Abstinence until marriage campaigns. Condoms could only be promoted to ”high risk” groups, and only combined with an abstinence message.

2010/ 53 min/Canada, Norway/Director: Morvary Samaré Gozal/Producers: Samaré Gozal, Astrid Schau Larsen, Borrea Schau Larsen/ Photography and Edit: Astrid Schau Larsen, Samaré Gozal/Music: James Hedberg/Format:16:9/RAMZ MEDIA, Homes Not Bombs, Educators for Justice


Three Arab-Canadian men are detained and tortured for months and years in Syria and Egypt. Upon their release they return to Canada struggling to find some answers as to why they were detained and tortured. An internal inquiry into their cases, the Iacobucci Inquiry, reveals that the Canadian government was complicit in their detention and torture. The camera team follows the lives and cases of the men for a year and a half as the men fight to leave the horror of torture behind them. This is a powerful and intimate documentary about the fragile balance between democracy, human rights and national security fears. It is also a portrait of life after torture experiences.


2009/28 min/Canada, Norway/Directed and Producer:  Borrea Schau Larsen, Samaré Gozal/ Photo and edit: Astrid Schau Larsen /Animation: David Seitz/ Format: HD16:9 /The Norwegian Foreign Ministry, The Rieber Foundation, The Visjon Vest Foundation.

Cloud Nine: Cleansing the World of Cluster Bombs, follows a team of clearance personnel based in Guinea Bissau. Steve Ballinger and his wife, Cassandra Mckowen, co-founded Cleared Ground Demining in 2005 with the intention of making a difference in the world of mines action. The film puts the experiences of humanitarian deminers to the fore: What motivates them to spend their lives clearing the land of unexploded ordnance?


2006/85 min, 52 min/Director: Samaré Gozal, Astrid Schau Larsen/Producer: RAMZ MEDIA, SMIH/Photo and edit: Astrid Schau Larsen/Music: José Gonzalez/The Rieber Foundation, Visjon Vest Foundation, Anna Jebsens Minnefond, Grieg Foundation, UKOS/Format: 16:9
Remains is a sensitive documentary about the memories and trauma of sexual abuse. It portrays the life of three siblings who claim that their father abused them as children. Trym, now 24 years old, has been hospitalized several times because of depression and suicide attempts. His younger brother, Ståle, has moved to Denmark to get away from the past. Their 30-year-old sister, Camilla, also living in Denmark, feels that after years of self-destructive behavior she may finally have found some sort of peace.



Tema av Anders Norén